The People of Hope was recently approved as private
association of the faithful
in the Archdiocese of Newark. Unfortunately, the Church failed to
address or
even consider the concerns and proof of physical, psychological & emotion abuse
on fellow Catholics who were a part of this group before they broke away from
the abusive practices of the Shepherding & Discipleship Movement in this group.
The Archbishop of Newark is being considered as a candidate to replace
retiring Cardinal Egan of New York. Read the article
on Survivor's
Network of those Abused by Priests for more information.
This "new day" for the People of Hope is
a constant reminder
of others being abandoned by the Church.
We've included our e-mail address at the bottom of every page.
You can reach us at
The People of Hope and related groups are making their presence appear with
various web sites. Recently, the following sites were found. If you visit these sites,
please remember to come back to this People of Hope Informational Home page.
This site is more developed than the Hope web site.
The school is not affiliated with any Christian denomination but implies being Catholic.
It looks Catholic but viewer beware!
The Brotherhood is gaining a more established
foothold. This "religious community" is primarily active in Massachusetts and
Florida. The group was founded by a priest/coordinator and other men living single for the
Lord in Hope. The brotherhood is not an official part of the Hope community. However, take
notice that it's founder and founding principles are entrenched in the warped teachings of
the Hope cult.
Again, another offshoot of the Hope cult. This
organization was founded by a religious sister in leadership over Hope women. Like the
brotherhood, its founder and founding principles are entrenched in Hope teachings.
Interesting to note, many of these sisters wore secular clothes. However, it became
fashionable to dress in more traditional religious attire with a habit and veil.
Given the name, a visitor may think this is a
Federally qualified tax exempt charitable organization [501(c)3]. This innovative
site, run by the child of a main leader, is really an affiliate marketing site. You are
asked to follow links and if you make a purchase, a portion will be given to
"" The proceeds are then "donated" to a reputable
cancer organization. The main problem, as inherent in the People of Hope's financial
dealings, there is no accounting of money collected and disbursed. Do your money a favor
and donate it directly to The American Cancer Society!